Put Some Faith In That Funk

Joe Taylor Jr., better known as Lil Joe, has spent years chasing Funk Music. His band, the Funk-O-Matics, are gaining in popularity and Lil Joe is spending less and less time at home which has placed a strain on his marriage and his relationship with his kids. He has also made some selfish decisions that could wreck his home and cause him to lose everything. When a dream gig leads to a meeting about collaborating with one of his idols, Joe should feel fulfilled, but something is still missing. A phone call from home, his friend’s illness and another unexpected surprise brings his world to a crashing halt. Will Joe lose his wife and children? Will he continue to chase the funk, searching for something unobtainable, or will he finally find what he’s been missing all along?

Mission Statement

Sharing Faith, Hope and Light with those experiencing past and present trauma. To help the hurting heal, forgive yourself and others, get to know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference in the lives of others

Minister Regina Price, M.Ed. is a speaker, author, certified prepare and enrich facilitator, marriage commissioner , notary public and entrepreneur.  She is recognized for her “Great Faith”. Her motto is, “Whatever the Lord tells me to do, I will just do it”. She received a prophetic word from God in 2001 to attend World Harvest Bible College, and relocated to Columbus, OH on an act of faith. God proved Himself faithful to Regina throughout her tenure at Bible College due to her act of obedience and granted her a Diploma in Pastoral and General Church Leadership in 2005. This was one of numerous “Faith Landmarks” that has continued to shape Regina’s purpose driven life to include becoming an author and self-publisher.

Minister Regina Price, M.Ed. is a speaker, author, certified prepare and enrich facilitator, marriage commissioner , notary public and entrepreneur.  She is recognized for her “Great Faith”. Her motto is, “Whatever the Lord tells me to do, I will just do it”. She received a prophetic word from God in 2001 to attend World Harvest Bible College, and relocated to Columbus, OH on an act of faith. God proved Himself faithful to Regina throughout her tenure at Bible College due to her act of obedience and granted her a Diploma in Pastoral and General Church Leadership in 2005. This was one of numerous “Faith Landmarks” that has continued to shape Regina’s purpose driven life to include becoming an author and self-publisher.

10% of proceeds support children in need of mentors, those returning from incarceration, and domestic violence.